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The CopyAs function is similar to  Copy  except that the entries are copied
to the  DEST  directory using new names that you specify.  Wild cards can be
used with the naming.

If any directories are selected to copy, the  Recursive Filter  will be used
to determine which files will be copied.

If multiple  SRCE  or multiple  DEST  directories are selected, the copy
command will copy all selected items from the  SRCE  directories to all the
 DEST  directories in turn.

The QUIET option suppresses warning requesters but not error requesters.

The MOVEWHENSAME switch, when specified, changes the CopyAs function into
the  MoveAs  function when the source and destination paths are both on
the same disk. This emulates the behaviour when dragging and dropping
icons; within the same disk, the files are moved, when dropped on a
different disk the files are copied.